Alvina Chik
Rank points
Engineering Product Development (SUTD), Business management (SMU)
SUTD-SMU Dual Degree Scholarship
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My university application journey
I could not choose between business and engineering. I wanted to pursue an engineering degree because during PW, I did some basic 3D CAD work and prototyping and thought that it was quite fun. The Engineering product development (EPD) course at SUTD is a good blend of theory, application and design thinking which I feel fits the market needs today. As for business, i considered career progression and business can help me improve my soft skills such as networking and presenting. Overall it would give me a big picture view of the workings of an organization.
Life after NYJC
I just completed year 2 and a few weeks into my internship at Dyson as a RDD intern. While the first few weeks of internship has been WFH, Dyson had a very smooth onboarding process and I was fortunate to have SUTD seniors working in Dyson that reached out to me. It has also been really fun learning a new 3D cad software, different testing methods and embarking on my own research project. University life is not all work, it is also very important to play. I am part of SMU and SUTD's women football team and usually train 2-3 times a week.
My Future Plans
I am considering another RDD internship at Dyson's Malmesbury location in summer 2021 or a business development internship.
Tips for Juniors
1) It is up to you to make your University life fulfilling. You can stay in your comfort zone, sign up for modules and ace them but you will only be learning what the curriculum plans for you. Challenge yourself, join CCAs, competitions, case study challenges and start your own projects.
2)"Empty your cup" and be humble, there is always something new to learn.
3) Embrace criticism, ask your professors, peers and teammates how you can improve
4) Be grateful, not everyone has the opportunity to go to University