Chua Li En
Rank points
Fudan University
Translation and Intepretation
Shanghai Government Scholarship
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My university application journey
I chose Translation and Interpretation as my major as I've always been interesting in translation. This interest was further enhanced through my journey in JC taking H2 Translation. The challenges I faced during application was finding the resources and navigating the logistics for a successful application. Since the university that I applied for was not local, and not that common an option for locals, information about the school was not readily available, and resources on application were usually unclear and can only be obtained through thorough research or connections.
Life after NYJC
Yet to matriculate at the moment.
My Future Plans
After graduation, I hope to be the bridge between Singapore and the rest of the world, connecting and removing the language and cultural barriers that lie between my country and the rest of the world.
Tips for Juniors
During the college interview, make sure you are mentally prepared for questions that will take you by surprise, and be prepared for questions that will require deep/critical thinking. It is also extremely important to come prepared for the major/course that you are planning to apply for, demonstrating knowledge/research for the subject at hand. Lastly, show them your determination in enrolling into the school/course.