Koh Liang Wei
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Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
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My university application journey
Hello! I chose this course because after doing my own research, I've become interested in the study of Chemical engineering and how chemical engineers work. A common misconception many people have is Chemical engineering entails the study of chemistry only, and this is not true, there are physics, biology and mathematics aspects to it as well! And as chemical engineers we learn to solve problems on optimisation of Chemical processes on a large scale, as a very summarised statement of the job taking small chemical reactions in a laboratory setting and scaling it up appropriately to industrial level, at the same having to ensure the process stays efficient yet profitable.
Life after NYJC
University life is not easy, but I would say it is rewarding. The pace of learning is much quicker than that in JC, and there is almost no 'spoon-feeding' as well. If you have any doubts or questions, it is your own initiative to ask the professors /lecturers! You have to learn how to manage your time wisely, otherwise the amount of assignments you'd have to complete would be overwhelming. It will not be easy at the start, but you'll be used to it soon enough!
Also, uni is the best time to learn a new skill or subject that interests you! For example, I took up German language as an elective in the recent semester, and it was really fun and fulfilling. You get to meet new people and make new friends too!
My Future Plans
I plan to work in the pharmaceutical industry (manufacturing of medicinal drugs) as a process engineer, whose role is to oversee the entire process to make sure that everything is smooth and efficient. But I'm still keeping my options open too, as engineering is a very versatile degree.
Tips for Juniors
Do be open to learning new skills or content, as you never know how useful those skills might be in the future.
Do keep your A level notes even after exams as you might need some of them in uni! (especially in engineering where maths / physics / chemistry knowledge is still vital)
Do proper research before deciding on the course you choose to study, the last thing you'd want is dreading the next 4 years of uni studying something you have zero passion in.