Tan Ding Xuan
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Mass Communication
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My university application journey
Having set my sights on being in the entertainment industry since young, I chose to take up Communication Studies to gain more exposure to the various forms of media & communications, as well as better understand how the industry works through work attachments opportunities & internships. When applying for university scholarships though, I did encounter some challenges, including having to write multiple scholarship essays with tight word limits. Thankfully, I had the support of my JC tutors & friends who knew me well enough to provide constructive advice to aid me in my application.
Life after NYJC
I'm currently serving NS and as a medical officer's personal assistant, my work mainly revolves around treating the sick & injured at the medical centre. At times, I'm also deployed as a cover medic for outfield trainings. Being a medic definitely has its perks as I'm equipped with useful & relevant life skills which I can apply even in my daily lives after graduation. That said, I've definitely also grown both physically & mentally stronger during my time in NS, and learnt to cherish simple things in life I previously took for granted.
My Future Plans
In university, I intend to intern at a broadcasting corporation and thereafter, work with them upon graduation. A goal of mine would be to host the National Day Parade one day! That said, I hope that with my work, I get to both engage & inspire audiences, as well as be a force for good in the world through the tool of media.
Tips for Juniors
It's always good to discover your passions early as it helps motivate you to work towards your goals. Try to make full use of every pocket of time you've got to do something productive! Besides that, being consistent is crucial and don't hesitate or be afraid to seek help from your teachers & friends whenever you're in need. Most importantly, get enough sleep and exercise regularly to strengthen your immunity and get that energy booster for the day!