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Mindfulness - Cognitive Based Therapy

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Cost (in USD)

Duration (in hours)

17.98 (SGD)


Brief description

This course is for those interested in pursuing a career that involves close communication working with others. To understand how different people operate within their unique individual mindsets is a valuable skill and asset to have. Perhaps people worry too much or mull over the past or future too often, which can lead into the development of an unhealthy mindset, hinged on negative aspects. With this course, people can learn how to handle emotional / behavioural issues within others and themselves.

Belle Lee Yu



average rating is 4 out of 5

This course is useful for helping people better understand the levels of control on has over their decisions and their actions. To be mindful and empathise with others is vital in the understanding of their conditions. I personally want to pursue a career involving medicine, so understanding a patient’s condition can help me in personalising a exercise specifically suited to their capabilities, as well as help them improve on their basic skills. Motivating patients that are stuck at a mental roadblock or suffering from behavioural issues is also a skill that is learnt in this course. I recommend those interested in courses that require them to work closely with others to take up this course.

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