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Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy

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Cost (in USD)

Duration (in hours)



Brief description

The course is about spectroscopy and how it affects the molecules and the interaction between these molecules and the waves around them. It talks about how E.M. waves affect bond lengths and reveal the composition of a molecular compound like an MRI scan on a human.

Peng Hai Feng



average rating is 4 out of 5

The course is very informative and gives a fair bit of examples. However, as I attended this course without any prior knowledge about the course. The knowledge given was overwhelming and I took more time that what was stated to complete the course. Overall, I’d say that it’s a positive experience but one will have to know about the subject beforehand before taking up the course. For those planning to take any course related to chemistry in university. I’d recommend it as it would be something all chemistry students would go through.

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